Pool, Waterslide, Indoor Hot Tub & Kiddie Pool – Open to Registered Hotel Guests Only
*Pool, Waterslide and Hot tub are closed daily
from 2:00 – 3:00 pm for cleaning.
*Hot tub is also closed every Sunday
9:00 pm to be emptied, cleaned and refilled.
Sorry for any inconveniences and
thank you for your understanding.
Our Pool and Waterslide area features a 2 1/2 loop Waterslide.
The kidney shaped pool awaits sliders at the bottom of their plunge.
We also have a Toddler Pool and spacious Hot Tub,
and lounge chairs in the pool area.
This space is designated as a “FAMILY AREA”, where kids come first!
Note: Although we strive to update our website on a regular basis, we suggest calling our front desk for confirmation of services available.
Thank you.